don't know why if xmass time coming,i just remember the series at episode mr.bean Christmas night, and when mr.bean steal Christmas trees, and also when he cut the turkey haha very funny ....
all about the Movie so complicated for me... this the synopsis...
"the date December 21th 2012 suddenly be date of final life in earth..."
Belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya sebuah angka menjadi begitu penting bagi seluruh peradaban, agama, ilmuwan dan pemerintahan. “2012” menampilkan gambaran akan datangnya hari kiamat dengan munculnya musibah-musibah besar di dunia dan kisah beberapa orang yang selamat dari musibah tersebut
sorry write in indonesian but however the movie it's look so flat and so hollywoodstic. hahaha
i have a membership of christian student organization called PMK in my collage. And last a few week me and the other members have a busy day, preparing celebration for 28 years anniversary of PMK on last sunday at Sawangan Golf South Jakarta.
(top, unbranded; jeans, point1; indian flip flop; and lunch box bag, mrfreddy)
Today is bad day, i have bad mood to..late for my class at 8 am, and iam truant for my class at 13. shhhhheet.. but, the good news my bag which order from arrive today, can't wait to show of tommorrow....
today was an stressful day.. i have final exam for communication method, and all about concerning the test make me sicken... but still have a bit happy moment when take some pic with bf.
(thrifted top and bolero; poin 1 jeans ; amante wedges)